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132 Invitations Issued in Latest Mantioba Expresssion of Interest Draw
132 Invitations Issued in Latest Mantioba Expresssion of Interest Draw
132 Invitations Issued in Latest Mantioba Expresssion of Interest Draw
Manitoba issues 132 invitations to candidates registered in Manitoba’s Expression of Interest pool including 7 Express Entry candidates.
Letters of Advice to Apply (LAA) have been sent by the Province to those selected to apply for a provincial nomination for permanent residence application to Canada.
The draw was held on April 23 and candidates are selected from the Province’s Skilled Workers in Manitoba, Skilled Workers Overseas and International Education streams.
Manitoba expression of interest program started in April 2014 and the last draw was its 88th draw issuing 1.808 LAAs so for.
Seven candidates with a valid profile in the Federal Express Entry System were selected in the 23 April draw.
Candidates who are registered in the federal express entry pool are awarded scores for factors such as age, work experience, education and language abilities.
Candidates having the highest scores are invited to apply for permanent residence application through federal government’s regular draws from the express entry pool.
Among the selected candidates in the 23 April draw, 93 candidates are accepted in Manitoba’s Skilled Workers in Mantioba Stream. In order to be selected, candidates must be working in the province and a full time permanent job offer from their employers.
A total of 25 invitations went to candidates in the province’s Skilled Workers Overseas Stream.
Remaining 14 candidates are selected in International Education Stream category. This stream has three sub-categories: Career Employment Pathway, Graduate Internship Pathway and the International Student Entrepreneur Pilot categories.
If you are interested in immigrating to Canada please send your CV’s to us.
If you have language scores and education credential assessments (ECA) send them as well to
for a free assessment.